December 16th, 2019 at 10:50pm
Data Usage Guidelines
Data Use Guidelines: This is a data set generated by the 4DN Network and made freely available to the scientific community. If you are intending to use these data for a publication, we ask that you please contact the data generating lab to discuss possible coordinated publication. In your manuscript, please cite the 4DN White Paper (doi:10.1038/nature23884) and the 4DN Data Portal paper (doi:10.1038/s41467-022-29697-4), and please acknowledge the 4DN lab which generated the data. Please direct any questions to the Data Coordination and Integration Center.
Note: Experiment items linked to 2 experiment sets (4DNES7IB5LY9, 4DNES9BAC4R2)
This ExperimentSet contains files that are also part of 4DNES9BAC4R2.
The files 4DNFIA61WDTD and 4DNFIOZ6OJYL (of experiment 4DNEXKAMU4M6) that were originally submitted as part of this dataset were added and analyzed as part of 4DNES9BAC4R2 that contains additional replicate experiments to enable a more in depth analysis.